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Old 09-09-2010, 02:41 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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I don,t know if this will work for you but I have a checkerboard wrasse that was a terror to my other fishes (except my mandarins) and when ever he would not behave I would just shot off the light and he goes in the sand to sleep when ever the light goes off. That way I could punish him and make him go in the sand if he would not behave. He got the message quickly.

If you have sand and if your wrasse like to go hide deep in the sand for the night, this could be a way to cool him down. Of course it is only good if you are there to watch and discipline the fish.

They are wicked fast and intelligent, so hard to catch.

with so many people having a nightmare of a time catching fish, I have no idea why there is no good fish trap yet commercialized.

Originally Posted by ner'T' View Post
Any ideas how to remove this hell-fish?

It nearly killed my firefish, (I moved it to the sump and it recovered). Today I came home to a dead clown on the floor... Its been chasing and nipping them.

I tried a #22 hook and line and it wont take the bait. Anyone have luck trapping wrasses?

Thanks for any input

Last edited by daniella3d; 09-09-2010 at 02:48 AM.
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