Thread: Home Theater
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Old 09-07-2010, 03:07 PM
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Parker Parker is offline
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I just pulled the trigger on buying a projector on Friday ( Why do I always order things online on Friday's and make myself suffer over the weekend waiting for it!)

I went with the Epson 8500, the Panasonic was a close second but the Epson won out in picture quality. I'm going to try and shoot for a 138" diaganol image, yup, that's 10' across I have some huge problems to over come though. I borrowed a projector for some testing and it HATES my fish tank, there's a too much light coming from it. What I might do is put another set of lights on it, run the MH during the day when I'm not home and run some much dimmer lighting in the evening when it's time to watch TV, then I can have the best of both worlds. I would hate to have to shut the tank down everytime I watched TV. The tank will go dark for movies though.
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