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Old 09-07-2010, 12:26 AM
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The Grizz The Grizz is offline
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Originally Posted by Polscot View Post
your tank is gorgeous man, my nano is only a year old and my other is in the process of a transfer, can i ask u how you keep your sand so white? mine seems to look like crap lol does it just come with time or do u have alot of sand sifters
Well not all of it looks that good I know for sure that I still have 1 sand sifting star but there should be 2. Also have an orange spot sand sifting goby that move's and cleans sand ALL DAY LONG. He lives under the rock that is covered in GSP so I move it around once in a while to different parts of the tank.

I would like to have some more sand stars and a blue spot goby but don't think the orange spot would behave.
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