My tap water tds now goes from 70 to max 140 ppm
I'm using this water on my zoa/paly only tank no refuge or skimmer
not sure if this is bad but my phosphate is .05 mg/l
and nitrate is 5 ppm
thinking of having a storage container too and throwing in a phosban reactor with carbon
Clintos:29G Cube 24"x24"x12"D,ATI 24" 6 x 24W powermodule,4 blue,2 x 10 000K ATI's, tap water,
1 mp 10, 1 nano hydor,mag 3 lift pump, approx 40lbs L.R,2" dsb,15G sump/refuge,
23watt refuge light,3" dsb,carbon reactor,filter sock,blastos,yumas,maxi mini carpet's,paly's,perc,algae blenny.
"Corals,corals,corals-they are as fascinating as candle lights."
Last edited by phyto4life; 09-07-2010 at 12:13 AM.