tap water filter? replacing filter?
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter
was wondering if anyone is using this?
If so how much water do you use? and how often are you replacing the filter?
Clintos:29G Cube 24"x24"x12"D,ATI 24" 6 x 24W powermodule,4 blue,2 x 10 000K ATI's, tap water,
1 mp 10, 1 nano hydor,mag 3 lift pump, approx 40lbs L.R,2" dsb,15G sump/refuge,
23watt refuge light,3" dsb,carbon reactor,filter sock,blastos,yumas,maxi mini carpet's,paly's,perc,algae blenny.
"Corals,corals,corals-they are as fascinating as candle lights."