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Old 09-06-2010, 06:47 PM
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Polscot Polscot is offline
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Default 29G biocube build/transfer

so i recently got a 29g biocube as the mantis is getting bigger and i got a good deal so i figured id get it b4 he outgrows the 10g, im in the process of building a custom back wall and gutting the back to make a refugium.....ill be posting pics as i progress, ill be setting up using 10g of the old water and 20g from Red coral along with turning it into a reef eventually n e ways heres the progress

Tank was dirty so im cleaning it in a vinegar bath

stand was a lil rough so ill fix it right up

The lights were both burned out, but considering how cheap i got it i was more then happy with spending $80 on 2 new ones

Start of the rock/foam DIY wall i cut out eggcrate into the shape of the back of the tank

cut holes out for the intake and outtake

i then cut out shapes goal was 3 ledges, top one will be for a Brain (always wanted one) middle one will be for a clam my gf wants to buy
and bottom will be for n e thing else, maybe a favia not sure....

inside FTS i put two pieces on the bottom in a right angle mannor that i will stack live rock on, to weigh down the wall and keep it stable and less likley to collapse

Side shot shows the 3 ledges

Last edited by Polscot; 09-06-2010 at 06:51 PM.
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