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Old 09-05-2010, 05:14 PM
mark0933 mark0933 is offline
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Posts: 22
mark0933 is on a distinguished road

Ridgeway is in the Niagara area right (my wife is from Wainfleet)

Not much point in coming the London way, 3 stores here, a Big Als with no stock, an "Incredibly" overpriced store, and a nice little store, but not a tonne of anything.

Best bet is to make your way along the 403. Stop at Oakville Reef Gallery (and the Oakville BA's across the street, then continue to Mississauge (Reefraft, Aquatic Kingdom, and the Chinese store all within a small area close to the BA's Mississauga.

Next would be NAFB, but that is over closer to the Toronto Zoo, so a little drive, and Sea U Marine in Newmarket.

There are a couple stores in Cambridge area too.

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