Ok I got you. This is really wierd. What type of rock is it?
I suggest you go with totoka rock if you can. It's very porous and has a lot of surface for the bacterias to colonize so you need less of it for the same result.
There is no way something big could hide in the totoka liverock because there is usualy no room for it to hide, unlike a big dense rock.
Looking forward to the result of your diping. Really wierd story.
Originally Posted by KeMo
Ok look. Your not understanding. The holes in the rock . They were not Their when rock was bought. It was the sand in between the rocks the was dust and dust fell apart. So the to holes fell apart in the middle to make one big hole. So I stuck my finger in the hole and it just went deeper into the rock , with more dust (rock) Also when i pick up this rock in question dust pours out from holes in the bottom. Its not sand the colour of the dust stuff is alot darker. I am seeing other holes now around the tank. I know this because they are the same size and they always have abit of that dust buildup around the hole or just inside of it. I am gona soak them in soda see what happens.
But i am still going to bake them as after i get new rock their is no way i am risking it with this thing in my tank. If i had a cam i would post pic.
Oh who ever said maybe the rock was not hard or something.
Some of the holes are in parts of the rock were it was crusted hard with calc and everything . I know im not crazy and their is something in the rock. Im shure that the amount of time everyone stares at their tank they would notice new holes the size of a dime in their rock. Well I do To.