I was going to drill my edge but this sounds like a better alternative...I didn't realize the top rim was plastic...
Yeah I was thinking of ways to do it but unfortunately I didn't think of the teeth until I had already cut into the plastic rim. However I currently have another one to complete, this one is kinda my proto-type. My next one will be done with an external overflow (built by me) and properly sealed. I've sealed this one with spray foam to fill the gap and coated the spray foam with silicone.So far for the past six months the design has worked flawlessly. If your not into building an overflow, cutting off the spout of the filter and sanding it (with a belt sander) smooth & flush then sealing with silicone works well also. Thus there would be no need for using foam to fill the gap. I unfortunately also didn't think this through until after but it's still a design in progress. Once my other one is complete, I'll transfer, redo and turn this one into my LR and Chaeto fuge. Please feel free to post your progress if you decide to try, I'd love to see the outcome.