Sort of my stand is done in 3/4 " ply on top of framing then maple ply 1/2" it's done with complete trim all around and my corners are done in three pieces with the center piece a rope trim it's the only wood on there I'm not sure of and it creates a rounded corner. at the top of the stand is my customized crown moulding(maple) the corners run up to and have been cut to fit, a thin strip of maple is ran down to fill in the top of crown moulding where the gap is creating a flat surface again

now I'm ready to do my round corners again up to the canopy

hope this makes sense I'll post a pic tomorrow I took some pics once I started staining

but basically I didn't want a hollow stand so I used regular 3/4"plywood then my maple it's strong and cheap considering it's never seen anyways

all Finish done with brads and finishing nails