Thread: Tank stand.
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Old 09-02-2010, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by ReefOcean View Post
Yes, most stands and caps in LFS are junk. Yes it costs a lot for freight and import duties but as a frequent furniture and home decor importer , there is no reason to pay 800 bucks for a pressedboard stand when you can have a solid mahogany one brought in on container from Shenzhen for a grand or cheaper. The fact is, if we are spending 2k-10k on a system to show off in my livingroom, why would I put it on a imitation pine stand that bubbles and warps? I mean, I don't have bubbly second hand Ikea furniture in my living from from 1985, why would I need a matching stand?

But yes, supporting the local lFS is our duty since most are great and helful and it is a tight knit community in the reefing world. BUUUT geez, they should stock better stands. I can source some if any of you LFS are interested

Sorry for the non-selling/buying related rambling.
where you see stands for a 1k?
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