Thread: Tank stand.
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Old 09-02-2010, 03:40 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

the pine is hidden as it is very soft and its in a high traffic area plus its cheap and easy to use everything else is in maple then stained very dark im going for an antique look with matching trim going up the corners on all sides then canopy all trimmmed out with a very decorative trim its actually crown moulding im just gonna customize it a bit. its not cheap though the stand is being done in four stages the first stage set me back 700 and that was just skirting and framing .the second stage was trim the skirting and prep and stain the trim was another 300 plus cost of stain,clear coat etc. did it all in a few hours though so im in to it a 1000 bucks but i dont have a crap quick mix stand now i just got to finish it lately theres been no ambition as the bottom half looks done the next step is to finish my corner pieces that ill pre stain then ill do the grusome task of making the canopy which im not quite sure yet as i may change my light set up
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