Thread: Eating My LR?
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Old 09-02-2010, 02:20 AM
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Then why did it dissolved in between the holes when you toutched it? If it was only a matter or the holes, only the holes would dissolve and the rest of the rock would be well...rock solid. The way I see it, if you toutch something and it fall apart, it is not solid to begin with.

It could be something inside the rock but not sure.

Originally Posted by KeMo View Post
I understand what your saying but Like I said before and Ill say it again the holes are the same size. If the rock was falling apart it would not fall apart in dime size holes that are so perfect it looks like its drilled , come on now.
Im shure that their is something in it. 100%. Some of the holes are in spots were the rock was crusted hard as Sh-t .
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