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Old 09-01-2010, 12:52 PM
Leah Leah is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Penticton B.C.
Posts: 2,142
Leah is on a distinguished road

It is time for an update...sigh! The tank has had its ups and downs and I am really not sure why, so anyhow here is what is happening...I have added 2 new fish recently a lawnmower blenny who is doing wonderful. At first he would not eat but know he eats everything and he has the belly to prove it.

My 2nd addition was a lamarks angel. I had her in Q.T. for 6 weeks and she was doing great moved her into the 120 and all was not so fine. Her and my anthia constantly went at one another she had a few tattered fins but nothing terrible. She was fine for a few days swam, ate and things seemed not to bad. Should mention here I added a mirror and the only one that really seemed to get excited was my yellow coris...of course not the anthia as hoped. After a few days she began hiding in one corner ate a little and the next morning I found her dead.

My anthia and solar seem to have a love hate relationship as well. Both are about the same size, so maybe this is part of it. Why can't they just get along..they both went from a 72 gal to a 120 but need to hang out together at one end of the tank. GRRR!

Also another thing that is driving me insane is that my gramma constantly scrapes the rock as do the others off and on. This is a mystery and I can not figure out why they do it. I soak all food in garlic and selcon and it is still happening.

Who said a larger tank was easier????

I also want to thank Dez again for sending me out some frags and after a postal delay, he went out of his way yet a second time and sent me some more replacements. I was not expecting him to... so sweet of him. The frags are doing great.
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