Im Kinda worried about putting my LR in club soda. I think is going to make a cycle again. Im going to take out a one piece that i know one of those f-ers is in and soda that sun of a . Ill see what comes out and take it from their. Im going to the store on Tuesday. Im going to tell them whats going on. Ive spent alot of money at that store.
If I cant seem to get anywhere im going to buy new LR from some were else and cycle it in a tub, Take this stuff out, let it die and re cycle it too.
Thats all i can think of.
Well I would say Dont Buy LiveRock from bigAl's In Toronto. Badd badd .
30gal Reef 50lbs Fiji LR 25lbs Fiji LS. 10gal sump/ref
Remora Maxi-jet 1200 , Mp10, HID 175 Swing arm
1 False Perc,(nemo) Blue Mandarin (Houdini)
Soft Corals,CUC ( 7 months old)