About the throw in the towl
Hey Everyone, just gonna get right into my problem, i have a insane cyno bacteria problem and ive tried everything, i do a 25% water change every week with good R/O water from LFS, ive added another koralia (could mabye add another) i only have 3 fish now, and i feed once a day, so i know its not a over feeding problem. ive started with chemiclean and it seemed to have worked, but3 days after the cleanup, another out break. ive read that old lights tend to cause to much red light so i changed every bulb in my light just last week. my corals are dieing, by Anemone died and i dont know why, water tests perfect for everything. I havent seen my cleaner shrimp in a couple days so as you can see im about to send my fish(which are doing prefectly fine) to my moms tank and trashing mine becuase i just cant seem to get ahead, the tank has been running for about 2 years now, have a fluval 304 which i clean out once a month, got a reef octo bh1000 skimmer and 2 koralia powerheads. if anyone has any advice that would be awsome, im thinking mabye just chucking out the rock and sand and starting from scratch.let me know