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Old 08-31-2010, 04:54 PM
Jfish Jfish is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Estevan, Sask
Posts: 56
Jfish is on a distinguished road

First trip to Mexico we took advantage of the resort course and dive. Pretty simple instructions in the pool one afternoon followed by a verbal and written test. The test was pretty simple but the instructor helped lots and made sure you would pass. After that they took us out to shallow waters just off the beach to get the feel of bouyancy, regulator and clearing mask under water. All of that took a total of about two hours (free) and we were cleared to go on a dive with the instructor at a shallow reef (100$us).

It was a short and easy way to test out diving which was nice. But, if you have any long term interest in diving I would just take the course before you go. You'll feel that much more comforatable in the water and won't have to depend on someone else for your safety in a foreign country. Example, we were told our dive should last about 45 mins. We were back to the surface after 30 mins and that was after signalling the instructor that my tanks were near empty then empty. It wasn't a traumatizing experience but not the best feeling when the instructor tells you not to mention several things that happened on the dive or he would be in trouble.
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