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Old 08-31-2010, 06:39 AM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
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Location: Ridge Meadows
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
that won't come any where near the output of a 250 watt MH. if you look at the link you put up there PAR at 40 CM was 125, frankly this sucks. my 250 watt MH have a PAR of 400 at 60 CM so saying this comes close to 250 watt outputs is streaching it if not a blatient lie. I supose if you had a 2 year old MH bulb driven off a probe start ballast and a junky reflector it would be close. in fact the readings you are using for reference say older bulbs with salt creep on them.

I wasn't refering to the solarius or any others, but rather to all the home made ones that have been comming out int he last year using cree 3W LEDs and good drives. thoes ones with optics are meeting or exceding 250 watt MH levels at 18" (45cm)

people keep SPS under NO tubes also, they grow real slow, are close to the top and are for the most part brown.
If you keep your sps in the top 8" of the tank with that light they will do ok, in the top 4" they will do good, but they arn't going to be a show piece under that light plain and simple, but there are always the exceptions.

according to Lukeys second reading, the par at 10cm in 365, crossing that with the 250 MH data posted on the sames page that matches, if not betters the 250 at that depth. Obviously, the led has some penetration issues and the par drops off at about 20cm. For my purpose, it matches. Not for a 30 inch tank though. If my coral was at 30 inches, it would be 15 inches below my tank. I think you are being a bit over dramatic about the whole sucking issue... old salt covered bulbs and whatnot.
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