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Old 08-30-2010, 02:50 AM
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Ryanst Ryanst is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 128
Ryanst is on a distinguished road

Well I thought I would give everyone an update on my tank. I have been battling a brown cyno/algea outbreak for the last 2 months. I just couldnt get rid of it for the longest time so I switched salts to reefers best and after the first water change the algea was pretty much gone and now 2 weeks later it is completely gone. The water had some stuff floating around in it because I moved a rock to save a frag that fell off its rock.
Here is a full tank shot I dont know why but the rock work always looks really bright in pictures.

Here is a couple pictures of my Powder blue tang

And here is a picture of the 2 frags I picked up at fragfest today.
BioCube 16 gallon. Just rock at the moment.
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