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Old 08-27-2010, 08:29 PM
ohhshiney ohhshiney is offline
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Default Skimmer/Lights/stuff FS in EDM

Finally decided to clean out the closets..... Have a few things to get rid of...

Nano Remora Hang on skimmer - $100

Remora Hang on skimmer - $100

Nano power Head - $15

T5HO 24" Aquatic Life Lights. (have 2, they are together as a 4 light system) - $200 (will toss in extra bulbs)

glass cleaner "magfloats" not sure the size, but its pretty big, have a few nano ones too. - $5 each - *PENDING*

40g Tall tank - $15

Custom made stand, black. Tall, very sturdy with doors. (PM me and i will email you a pic) - $50

Willing to work on a price if you are taking majority.

So far that is all I have found, but still cleaning.....

Last edited by ohhshiney; 08-28-2010 at 12:54 AM.
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