Your rock should be placed on the glass of the aquarium, and be able to support itself. It that is not the case you could do one of there things:
- Redo your aquascaping.
- Make the Jawfish an artificial home.
- Remove the Jawfish.
Jawfish aren't the only fish that will dig, so it is wise to design your rock to be self-supporting without the need of sand to support it. The best way to keep the Jawfish in one spot is to give him an area near a stable rock that has at least 3-4" of sand and bits of rubble, crushed coral, and shell bits. Dig a little indent where you want him to go, and place him in the indent (best done when first introduced to the tank). If you do a good job picking the spot and making it suitable, 9 times out of 10 he will stay there "forever". If your Jawfish is moving around from hole to hole that means he can't find something suitable, and would be stressed because of this. Jawfish are easily stressed which makes them prone to jumping and disease.
Another thing you can do is take the domed plastic top of a slurpie cup (the one with the 1" hole in the top), and silicone a bunch of rubble bits and sand onto it so it is disguised. Once it has dried for a couple days you can place it in the sand pushing it right down to the glass close to your rocks, and introduce your Jawfish to it. It needs to kind of be tucked away near the rocks or the Jawfish will not like it. If it is pushed all the way down to the glass he won't be able to get out the bottom of it, and will keep his digging to the slurpie top.
Last but not least, if you can't provide a suitable home for the Jawfish you should find a new home for him. Jawfish need a certain type of setup, and if you can't provide them with a comfortable place they will die or carpet surf and die. They won't just get used to it.
~ Mindy
SPS fanatic.