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Old 08-27-2010, 04:07 AM
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ponokareefer ponokareefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Ponoka, Alberta
Posts: 859
ponokareefer is on a distinguished road

If your existing pair of clownfish were a breeding pair, they will likely try to kill the new one. Clownfish in the wild are quite aggressive towards each other, but due to the size of the ocean, if the breeding pair get over aggressive towards another clownfish, that clownfish can get away. In a 54 gallon tank, they don't have anywhere to go. Long term, it is typically very difficult to keep more than a pair of clownfish together. There are a few cases, but very few that last for years. I'd get your new baby a new home and stop the stress that is going on in your tank, as every fish in there will be stressed out from the fighting and will be more prone to getting sick(disease).
240 gallon tank build:
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