Originally Posted by mseepman
Wow...so where did you get your tank? What do you have in it now? Can you tell us some about your equipment...like skimmer, sump, flow...
I live down near the Walmart...but have had my tank running for about 4 years.
Got my tank from complete pet mart in town here, manager is a friend of ours, too bad they are closing. Scott helped me set it up and I traded him about 40 dozen beer for equiptment
I have about 220 lbs of live rock (including in sump) bought from AJ's, Complete pet mart, and Island Pets.
I run two MH 150w bulbs with two double T5's as well as a small light over the sump.
I was given a small protein skimmer (beer trade) that hung on my sump but a month later it developed a leak so I removed it. Ran with no skimmer for 7ish months, last week I bought at CPM a Lee's 17110 large PS, the thing may be ugly in my display but it was only $20, because as I try to nurse my sun coral back from starvation I am overfeeding my tank.
I run an Aquaclear 110 hanging off my sump.
I have some pump (lol) in my sump that was given to me (beer trade) that seems to do the job. The sump is either 15 or 20 gallons.
I have Zoanthids, a long tenacle anemone ( I think ), some torchs, two frogspawns, two toadstools and a starved sun coral.
Copperband butterfly, yellow tang, six green chromis, a sixline wrasse, two yellow headed jawfish, 2 false perculas, a pink skunk clow, an orange spotted sand sifting goby and 4 small yellow clown gobies,.
I'm ordering a blue hippo tang and some zoa frags.