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Old 08-26-2010, 06:03 PM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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There is basically 1 distributor in Canada.

To purchase it from the USA in the East Coast from IO direct would kill any savings you hope to make.

A skid is only 36 pails, and the supplier will not deal with end users. We even have problems getting responses from them at times.

The price that BigAl's charges is at their cost not including shipping. They do that to get people in the door, and take the loss for the shipping.

Kelly and I tried to order a few skids in the past and the prices aren't the greatest.

If you want, and depending on the salt, I can check what it'll cost to get it dropped shipped to Calgary.

BTW, if it's IO, I would recommend the 200gal boxes.

I just recently got my skid of salt in.

Ken - BWA

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