I am so unbelievably dead!!!
So I'm making up water today for a waterchange using my RO/DI unit and have a bit of a flood. Same old story you say, but stay tuned. I don't have room to permanently install my RO/DI unit anywhere so I typically set it on the bathroom counter, hook the input to the tap and direct the waste water down the drain.
Todays flood happened differently than any flood I've engineered yet. The wastewater hose managed to move itself out of the sink and onto the counter. Every time I walked by today, it looked like everything was fine (at least at a glance). No water was flowing on the floor, all appeared well.
When I noticed the hose out of the sink, I thought it must have just happened since there was no water on the floor. I opened the vanity up, and there was some water in the bottom of it. So I'm cleaning off everything down there and run to the basement to get towels, there's water everywhere. There's like 1-2 mm of water across half the basement floor, one of the ceiling tiles has caved in, two more look like they'll collapse any time. A shelving unit containing all of my tools is soaked from top to bottom, and it's a good 8 feet from where the bathroom is upstairs. As best I can figure, the water must have followed the outside of the drain pipe from the sink into the basement.
Here's the part where I'm really going to get killed, my wife (who is away at a conference) has been re-organizing the basement over the last week. She's got all her boxes of childhood stuff opened and spread across the entire floor of the basement, nearly all of it is water damaged.
She comes home tonight, and I have a lot of work to do. To top it all off, I've been argueing a bit about the value of keeping all that stuff with her over the past few days. I have a feeling this may be my last post before my untimely death...