Originally Posted by Beanz
Yea they r really cool little snails I have some in the tank ATM but they are not eating the detritus. They r doing a great job of eating the left over food tho. Hey zum14 do u have any other sand sifter in the tank? I am kinda worried that if I get o e that there won't b enough food for both the tiger tail and the nassarius. What do u think?
Thanks, Ian
Hey. No other sand sifters in the tank. I have been watching it for a while. Ive been told they only really move around if there is no food so its a good sign there hungry if they keep changing spots and to be honest, just the one tiger tail is probably taxing the tank. I overfeed a bit as I have some shrimps that will attack corals if hungry and even with that there doesnt really seem to be any collected detritus in the corners or up against the rocks.
"I think were doomed."
"Nah, unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think were ok."
"Ah.....Jim.......robot camels"