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Old 11-25-2003, 06:50 PM
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Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: DeWinton, Alberta
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Buccaneer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by deepblueaquatics
If your talking bout the salaris blenny, aka lawnmower blenny, they are not as cute and cuddly as they appear. When competing for food they will bite, attack, chase, and maim anything that is in direct competition with itself for food. I have seen them chase away large angels and tangs, including one episode where the salaris blenny grabed hold of a 11"brevirostris naso tang by the belly and thrashed around holding on while the tang tried to swim away. They are mean little buggers. And they have mean little rasping teeth too.
... Frederick ? < kidz named him > ... my cute Frederick would do that ? naaaa

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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