Originally Posted by lastlight
Really impressed with your overflow job. I know for a fact my skills decline to damn near zero when I have a flowing tube of silicone in my hand!
How do you plan to skin the stand? Are you doing a canopy I don't recall reading about that.
no canopy but the stand will be getting finished with oak panels and details with a granite inlayed top.. hopefully my shop will finish my panels this week or im gonna be pist..haha..they were due like 2 weeks ago..not so impressed with my guys at the moment..haha..and the granite that i originally went with kept breaking so i have chose another kind and hopefully i can harras the granite guys tomorrow and get it soon aswell... any more questions??..if so just ask

thanks for the questions and replies..oh anyone have any koralia 4's or media reactors for sale that are willing to ship??