Thanks everyone. May just have to take a few of you up on the offer once the system is stable again.
As for my spare pump, it's not spare anymore, its on my frag tank in the basement (thank God I set that up a month ago and transfered a few frags to it.)
On a possitive note, I was peeking in my sump today and to my total suprise my big poci colony that I raised from a 1" frag (and couldn't stand to throw in the trash so I tossed it in the sump) was showing POLYPS! Its still totally white though so placed it back in the tank. I dont hold alot of hope for it, but ya never know.
My nems still look like crap. Loonie sized, hiding, and bright pink. (should be bright red).
The heads of frogspawn I managed to salvage are expanding, but still really washed out. Duncans are fine. Other than that and the impossible to kill palys, and zoas thats about all I have left.