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Old 08-14-2010, 07:02 AM
schroeder schroeder is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Burnaby B.C.
Posts: 37
schroeder is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Greenmaster View Post
Just a quick question... what is the best "canary" in a coal mine, for a salt water reef tank?
that is a difficult question.
There are many different biotopes in the marine environment.
If you have a tank that mimics a reef crest (high flow, nutrient poor, bright light) you couldn't keep a sun coral for instance.

All organisms have evolved to fit into their own ecological niches. What lives and dies has to do with whether or not the organism is suited to the environment it finds itself in.

The concept of the canary in the coal mine should not be used. Let me explain...

Humans are not indigenous to coal mines. We are not accustomed to breathing methane, living underground in cold damp environments, perpetually in the dark. The environment is stressful and unhealthy to us. It just so happens that it is MORE stressful to a Canary, which means that they will likely die first. Regardless, the environment is wrong for both humans and canaries.

Plan the environment that you wish to mimic in your tank. I personally find a biotope tank to be a much more interesting concept than just collecting a bunch of fish and corals.

Design your tank to match the environment as best you can (flow, lighting, substrate etc)

Pick inhabitants that are suitable to the environment, and can cohabitate.

If you are concerned about your water parameters... use a test kit! Don't rely on something that will die to let you know if things are wrong. Chances are it will be the most expensive thing in your tank.
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