Oh wow! Your offers are beyond generous and I am just reeling reading your posts! I will be pm-ing everyone who would like to donate and see what arrangements I can make to pick up things and whatnot. On behalf of the residents, thank you so much.
Due to the closure of two nursing homes here in Red Deer, our facility will be receiving many admissions during the months of September and October-so I
might not be able to set up the tank until after the majority of the admissions have come in due to time constraints, my own move and the upheaval that will be happening in the building. I was planning on just doing something extremely small (like 2.5-10g) with anything I had lying around, but with the things you guys have listed it could be something so much nicer and bigger as well.
With that being said, bigger also means an increase in the cost--as salt is an added cost and I am on my own with that as this is my "project" and the facility is unable to help. Do you think I should make it a salty tank, or would I be better off making a fresh tank for them? I need to keep this project cheap so the options I am considering are fresh community tank, cichlid tank or sw softie tank.
Will consider any and all ideas, so please help me brainstorm.

I do hear what you're saying in regards to cost. It is a big deal so it may be more sustainable to do the freshwater tank in the long run.