Thread: Decorator Crab
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Old 08-13-2010, 01:47 AM
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Haha that's too funny as I have a large one I also always yell at. I call the wife over and say "watch this.".

I toss fodd in and no matter where he is he charges OVER everything. He'll get to the edge of the outcrop and simply let go and fall onto the sand. What really chokes me is that he doesn't like to crawl across the sand. He'll make sure he moves OVER every last coral and polyp on the sandbed. A few times I have yanked him to either toss into the back and once to simply get rid of. My daughter comes around the corner at that very moment and i quickly turned the shell around.

"Daddy what are you doing?"

"I'm just taking this shell out..."

"But big Joe is in the shell"


And so back in he went. I told the bastard that she had just saved his life...for now!
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