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Old 08-09-2010, 10:58 PM
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Quoted on the Reef shop website:

Shaving Brush Plant (Penicillus capitus) grow in sandy substrates via rhizoidal "root balls". Its elongated stalk and green grass-like upward branches make a nice contrast against other natural decorations and corals in the home aquarium. Like the Halimeda Plant and like Coralline Algae, the Shaving Brush incorporates a hard Calcium Carbonate skeleton within its living tissue. This Caribbean-Atlantic native is functional in that it helps in the removal of organic nutrients because it consumes many waste by-products in the aquarium. This easy-care marine plant does well in a variety of conditions. Medium light and water-levels should suit it fine. Calcium and iron are beneficial in overall health and growth. Individual specimens are 3 - 4 inches.
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