Originally Posted by Greenmaster
So this is a go? Not much has been said for over 2 weeks...
It's a go ... I've fragged a ton of zoa's including but not limited to boy scouts, cammiepallies, darth mauls, radio active dragon eyes, whammin watermelons, assorted blues, assorted greens. I have some branching green acro cut, some purple with green polyp acro, some green digi, some funky blue base with red and green polyp encrusting monti, I might have some sunset monti ready ... ummm, just going off the top of my head here, but ... superman monti ... limited deep water japenese zoa's as I just got them recently ... mmm, probably a lot more by then.
I'll have some styro boxes here ... also, John a local reefer will fire up a bbq and we'll have some beverages available. John will also have some of his frag racks here and he has a source for frozen uni (urchin eggs I believe) that will be available too.
PM me for my address and contact info, it could be one of the easiest houses to find in Nanaimo. I don't want to post the addy publicly though.
Everyone save your sun dances for that weekend ...