Originally Posted by RR37
Already tried stating the facts
Are you an electrician? Sorry if I offend (not the intent), but when I know nothing of a subject I refuse to take the first person's word. I would be looking for someone schooled or at least very well practiced in the field. This goes for any topic, which is why I'm never the first person to jump on the bandwagon.
For the record, I have never used a GFCI on any tank. I have had tanks since 1989, saltwater since 1993. I have never had a fire, but I have had powerbars short out. I have been electrocuted pretty well, but nothing worse than hair standing on end.

Personally, I have heard of more cases of people having tank crashes from GFCIs tripping than I have heard of people getting electrocuted or having a fire. I believe the reason is because most people do not have GFCIs installed in a smart manner as many people put all the tank's hardware into one GFCI receptacle. Not so bright.
Doug, I don't understand the question? Did an electrician give you stupid answers? Not the first time that would have happened in the world. Finding a
qualified electrician may be harder to find that just any Jow Blow with a ticket.