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Old 08-07-2010, 04:54 AM
Pansy-Paws's Avatar
Pansy-Paws Pansy-Paws is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Delta, B.C.
Posts: 125
Pansy-Paws is on a distinguished road

Damn, it was a long wait from SC1 ... then, I found myself on holiday in the Shuswap with no good electronics stores nearby on launch day

Finally, this week I located a copy of the Collector's Edition since I was holding out for the extras (playing the Soundtrack CD on a 7.1 system is awesome )

I'm still going through the tutorials since it has been quite a while since I had dedicated playing time. The storyline vignettes in the tutorials are great. I doubt that I will play competitively ... I can't really afford the time that this great RTS would soak up on

Even so, the wife is already calling me Mr. Starcraft when I crank the sound up And she complains that I don't hear her calling when SC2 is running (not sure yet if that is a pro or a con )
- Lyle

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29 gallon nano-tank
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