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Old 08-06-2010, 05:40 PM
cherrycorals cherrycorals is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 28
cherrycorals is on a distinguished road
Default Fauna Marin saves my Rhyzo!

Once in a while everyone loses something and I was losing this pink Rhyzotrochus Typus. There was just a shred of flesh left once this nasty white fungus had its way with it.

So I put it in some really low light and whispered to it every night. A little soft music and low and behold a tentacle or two appeared!! The Fauna LPS food came to me just in time and I started feeding the medium pellets to it.

It has come a long way and keep an eye on this thread to track its progress for the rest of the year as I will continue to post open and closed pics as it grows.

This pic is a few minutes after feeding the Fauna LPS food