LF Pump to pump water up 1 floor - Ideas??
I am looking to place my sump downstairs and pump the water upto my main tank up one floor. Does anyone have a set-up like this or know of a good pump to do this with? Tired of carrying water up stairs all the time.
Your suggestions would be appreciated.
110 gal reef, homemade 30 gallon sump, 2x T5 HO 20,000, 2x Purple, 2x T5 Atinics, 50 lbs live sand/coral, 200 lbs live rock, Vertex in-80 skimmer, Danner Magdrive 700 pump, 2 clown fish, 1 coral beauty, 1 yellow tang, 1 purple headed goby, 1 Flame Angel, several other corals (can't remember the names 
plus a 55 gallon freshwater in the Kid's room