Hi,I am just starting out in this hobby and I am sure I will have lots of questions along the way,any time anyone takes to awnser them I am thankfull for.
So this is my first question. My tank is 120 gallon 48x24x24, with a 30 gallon sump.Total 150 gallon.It will be on a wood stand so the weight is dispersed evenly over the 16 square feet of the tank.It will be placed beside an outside wall running against the joists,(should cover three).The home is 4 years old.
Now I did read all the articals i could find ,so im not waisting your time,What i would like to know now is some real life examples.
So if anybody could leave examples of the size of tanks that they currently have on there second floors above the basement and any problems you have encountered if any.
Thanks in advance guys