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Old 08-03-2010, 03:28 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Parker View Post
What's your thinking behind the increased light cycle? Light longer because I have reduced light output with out actinics, or light longer because I'm not providing light in the Actinic spectrum?

I'm not sure lighting longer just because of the reduced par of not having actinics would be the sollution, I'm putting a lot of light in the tank with the 3ea 400w 14k DE halides no?. I'm willing to try though. I have the retrofit T5's I intended to use for Actinics but I haven't gotten around to installing them yet.
slow groth is not due to the lighting and the higher the K your lights are the more itinics light spectrum they have normaly I have seen 14k's that are yellow. but mostly they tend to have a itinic color or blue color.

I would look at the Mag and CA these are the primary bulding blocks for calsification.

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