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Old 08-03-2010, 02:57 AM
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Scubasteve23 Scubasteve23 is offline
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Default So here are a couple new pics of supplies and the making of the overflow for the tank

So i thought that i would add some new pics and info about the progress of the tank, as im sure you can all tell by now im not big on typing are some new pics

I painted the back of the tank with the advice of Med Hat reef guy....turned out pretty good i think

my new 1 1/2" gate valve

my new power center for the tank

1 1/2" bulk heads..all ready to go in the almost done overflow :P

i decided to build the overflow on top of the stand before putting it in the tank to ensure that its actually square really hoping doing it this way doesnt come back to haunt me tommorow when installing it in the tank

a couple pics of the finished job..

i have decided to clad the glass with 3mm grey/black tinted acrylic so you cant see in the overflow as bad from the front

and although i got the acrylic for the fronts i opted to go with a premade overflow comb that just gets siliconed into the inside of the really big benifit i see to this is that it is adjustable so i can make it higher or lower to make the height of the water exactly where i would like it

and just for the heck of is a pic of a recent impulse buy..haha..its just a feather duster but i really liked bad my gobies like to move
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