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Old 08-02-2010, 05:50 PM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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Default Placing ORA order this week - Pre-order now

Placing ORA order this week - Pre-order now to guarentee avalibility.

Hot on the list for this week;
- Spotted Mandarin
- Blue Mandarin (Psychodellic)

Other fish avalible this week;

Specialty Clownfish
Platinum Percula (A. percula)
Picasso Percula (A. percula)
Semi Picasso (A. percula)
Semi Snowflake (A. ocellaris)
Domino Clown (A. ocellaris)

Small False Percula (A. ocellaris )
Black False Percula Misbar
Black False Percula Extreme Misbar
True Percula (A. percula)
True Percula Misbar (A. percula)
True Percula Misbar
Fire Clown (A. ephippium)
Tomato Clown (A. frenatus)
Clarkii Clown (A. Clarkii)
Cinnamon Clown (A. melanopus)
Gold Stripe Maroon (P. biaculeatus)
Gold Stripe Maroon (P. biaculeatus) 6–Lot
Saddleback (A. polymnus)
Orange Skunk (A. sandaracinos)
Australian Clownfish (A. rubrocinctus)

Yellow Assessor (A. flavissimus)

Pajama Cardinals (S. nematoptera)

Neon Dottyback (P. aldabraensis)
Bicolor Dottyback 1” (P. paccagnellae)
Diadema Dottyback 1”+ (P. diadema)
Orchid Dottyback (P. fridmani)
Indigo Dottyback (P. fridmani x sankeyi)
Springer’s Dottyback (P. springeri)
Sunrise Dottyback (P. flavivertex)
Striped Dottyback (P. sankeyi)

Canary Blenny (M. oualauensis)
Striped Blenny (M. grammistes)
Harptail Blenny (M. mossambicus)
Black Line Blenny (M. nigrolineatus)

Sharknose Goby (E. evelynae)
Red Head Goby (E. puncticulatus)
Tiger Goby (E. macrodon)

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