Another thing, just kind of to explain the powerhead thing...
Think of the suspended detritus this way: Having all that crud suspended and then caught into your filter makes it about a million times easier to take out. If all of it were to settle into the sand/gravel/through the rocks... you'd be gravel vaccuming all the time... big pain in the butt! But now.. its caught up in that filter... and when you clean it regularly (every week... two, or three, you'll find that out over time, when it needs to be done), then you can just get all the gunk right out of the filter pad.. and you rocks/sand are still clean, water is clear... and the filter pad/foam is ready to keep clearing the water! But also, the longer that gunk sits in there... the more it breaks down, so dont let it sit too long (frequent, quick cleanings are good), cause otherwise all those dissolved organics mean food for algae. Algae sucks, we all know it... 10 000 times more work to eliminate than keeping your filter and water clean. So as I mentioned... a healthy routine means a healthy tank and a good experience!
All the best,
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!