Originally Posted by OceanicCorals-Ian-
Seachem gives false ALK readings due to high Borate levels, you must subtract 20% from the your ALK test kits to get the true DKH.
Now based on the above info:
If you ARE running zeovit, or if you are NOT running zeovit but, trying to maintain alkalinity values that are close to NSW (6-8 dkH), THEN you must....
SUBTRACT 20% from the reading you are getting (this is only if you are using Salifert test kits, I am not sure if the Seachem test kits incorporate borate alkalinity).
For example;
You measure a dkH value of 8 on your Salifert test kit....In reality, you are ACTUALLY testing at 6.4 dkH
You measure a dkH value of 10 on your Salifert test kit....In reality, you are ACTUALLY testing at 8 dkH
Good information to have.
I'm not using Salifert or Seachem test kits, I'm using ELOS. I am using Seachem salt though. ( Not really by choice but I'd hate to waste it )