07-28-2010, 09:50 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,401
Originally Posted by Parker
I need some help all, I just can't seem to get any growth out of anything. Where should I start? I've had some SPS in the tank for 8 months and you can't tell if they have grown AT ALL.
Some specs:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 5-10
Phos - Undetectable
KH - 8
CA - 650 - Need to improve
MG - Can't find my test kit, I need to buy a new one
Salt - Seachem
Feed frozen and flake with garlic once a day.
I have zero algae in the tank, no hair, diatoms, cyano, very little film forms on the glass.
400W DE 14k - 2ea bulbs approx 1 year old 1ea approx 2 months old. The other two will get swapped out shortly, 1 this month and the last a month or two from now. ( I have the SPS under the new bulb in the sand bed )
Lighting is approx 6" from the water surface
No Actinic at this time
Lighting Runs from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Temp - 79
Flow - 2ea Darts running two closed loops
Return - Dart
Skimmer runs 24/7 and pulls a whole bunch of crap out and is rated for well above my tank volume.
Running Carbon in a reactor.
Running Bio Pellets in a reactor.
Help me please! I don't want to buy anything more until I can get at least some growth..
Seachem gives false ALK readings due to high Borate levels, you must subtract 20% from the your ALK test kits to get the true DKH.
Now based on the above info:
If you ARE running zeovit, or if you are NOT running zeovit but, trying to maintain alkalinity values that are close to NSW (6-8 dkH), THEN you must....
SUBTRACT 20% from the reading you are getting (this is only if you are using Salifert test kits, I am not sure if the Seachem test kits incorporate borate alkalinity).
For example;
You measure a dkH value of 8 on your Salifert test kit....In reality, you are ACTUALLY testing at 6.4 dkH
You measure a dkH value of 10 on your Salifert test kit....In reality, you are ACTUALLY testing at 8 dkH