Its been a few weeks since I ran out of the probio kit stuff and it seems like some of my cyano is returning a bit. But that is the only noticeable difference that I can see.
This time I'm experimenting with some Vertex Pro-Bio Pellets. My hopes is that I'll be able to use them in place of GFO which I've been running steady for about two years now to keep the phosphate levels in my tank undetectable. The GFO from BRS has been great and I've been able to bring the phosphate down to 0 from .75 and keep it there by changing out 1 cup each month. But this solid organic carbon system appears to be much less expensive and a little less maintenance so I've been wanting to give it a try. At this time both phosphate and nitrate in my system are undetectable so I'm curious to see if the phosphate starts to creep back up or not and whether or not anything looks visually different in the tank over time.
I was able to get about 300ml of pellets to completely fit and liquidize in a TLF Reactor powered with a Mag 3 pump. My net system water volume is probably a little over 200gal so according to their directions I should minimally have 400ml of pellets running. But most of my system is empty water space and contains just 6 fish so we'll see.
EDIT: I removed the sponges and replaced them with some of that craft store plastic mesh. By doing so I was able to fit some more pellets in and now I'm pretty close to 400ml.