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Old 07-26-2010, 02:13 AM
Posts: n/a

I have one of those I also had a condylactis they are not the same they are cousins It is a LTA much more docile than condylactis. Once your Nem finds a place it likes it should stay there as long as the water flow is not to much and it is getting food. Just give it some raw shrimp once a week half will do. Since mine has bee under MH it has turned a nice green color with pink to purple tips. My clowns have no interest in it so if it ever comes off the rock it's on I will be selling it I have had it for over 10 months. It has not eaten and fish but it did have a war with a monti digita the digita tore a tentacle off the Nem when I separated them as the digita was getting stung pretty badly.

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