The Compaq is pretty much my main use hardware ATM. I had my gaming phases and spending too much time at the computer days like I'm sure many others have. I think I have that out of my system now and refuse to jump on the upgrade bandwagon for the sake of marketing and lining pockets of already bloated companies. I like to think I'm tech savvy enough to make the right decision of when to buy, but then again, the 42" LCD TV I treated myself to a few years ago is already a dinosaur. Came with a single DVI input for picture and my Shaw digital cable box has HDMI output, so I had to buy an adapter cable and later an HDMI switchbox for multiple HDMI sources. Now I see most computers come with HDMI outputs and new TVs have multiple HDMI in connections. And of course there are the new 3D televisions.... These days I prefer to spend my fixed income on other, more outdoorsy things like saving up for those winter backcountry ski trips and keeping my motorbikes on the road.
Yep, the Compaq takes forever to boot up and is pretty slow, but I have more time than money for computer hardware upgrades at this time. It does what I need to do, especially typing text into these boxes on the forum. I'll leave the heavy duty 3D computing stuff to others for the time being.
zoaElite, I hear you about the spinning media, although my daughter has an Xbox and she hasn't had any trouble with the hard drive or optical drive. I never liked CDs, DVDs etc. More single use, throw away crap to fill our landfills. The burning software was and is a pain to deal with and more often than not you end up with corrupt discs, and the RW ones? holy cow, another nightmare. I'll take a floppy disc over optical media for useability, except that they obviously don't hold anywhere near sufficient data. And that's my whole point, where are the solid state drives bloated companies? Let's go! Kudos to iPad for at least making an attempt in that regard.
Last edited by mike31154; 07-25-2010 at 06:53 PM.