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Old 07-24-2010, 08:33 AM
schroeder schroeder is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Burnaby B.C.
Posts: 37
schroeder is on a distinguished road

The design recommendation that i heard suggests having all of your drain run into the skimmer section, and have your skimmer pump output should be the same as the return flow to the tank.
(ie: if after plumbing losses, you return 300GPH then you skimmer pump should move at least 300GPH)

So I guess split return would be the easiest to do, but ideally I would have the water run from the skimmer section, into the refugium, then run to the return section.

This wouldn't work well for all sump designs, because of the high flow through the refugium...
...I'm trying to find the sump design on RC, but the page isn't loading
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