Okay so summer has put the damper on things a bit! But, the tank is 10-4 a go, roger that. Everything is running bla bla. I have purchased a couple new tank buddies!! I have a Blue / Black Spotted Boxfish and a Watanabe Angel Fish at Gold's with my name on them. Just waiting on the fishies to be done with their quarantine tank then back to Gold's to throw these guys in there!!!
I have been waiting on one of those boxfish since January!
And the angel fish is too nice to pass up, here's the description from a website:
"Members of the genus
Genicanthus are planktivores and will not bother corals or clams in the aquarium, making them the perfect reef angel. Not difficult to keep once acclimated. Keep only with very peaceful tankmates."
I also read that they stay on the smaller size (less than 6") and tolerate other angels too!